Why do we like rain?

Why do we like rain? there has to be some sort of logical explanation for it, So I'm going to logically find an explanation for this. First of all I guess most of you can relate ( maybe most cant, but whatever) that Rain makes you feel new, refreshed and energized. Lets rationalize this, what if these feelings are some sort of left over / or not evolutionary reflexes. So what do I mean by evolutionary reflexes?  well Primitive instincts so to speak it could be as simple as you kicking the doctor when he hits your knee with that rubber hammer thingy or someone getting this strange feeling that something is about to happen and then ten minutes later a freak storm appears, basically I'm talking about feelings which have maybe helped our great great great .. ancestors survive or kick their buddies, So what has rain got to do with any of it? Lets hypothesize...

Water means life, for our ancestors rain meant that they wont go thirsty for awhile and they would have abundant crops and they wont go hungry ( if they had given up their hunting gathering ways that is ). So rain literally did mean relief and new beginnings and hope and all that stuff. So according to this I like rain because apparently I get really excited about my new (hypothetical) crop.... I hope I'm not over simplifying things here.

Even if it is because of the bogus reason I gave the effects of rain are undeniable, The very fact that I believe that I can do anything in the world on a Sunday night even when being acutely aware of the Monday morning looming ahead is a testament to the mood uplifting and perhaps hallucinogenic qualities the of rain on the brain.

Note: I think I'm going to do some scientificy and actual research(read Google) on this and post up.

I Wish

I wish I had written the songs I grew up with
I wish all those stories were about me
I wish that I had wings that would sprout if I stepped out my window
I wish I was the wind, climbing, soaring without boundaries
I wish I could feel for a second what it is not to exist
I wish I could feel what you feel for a day
I wish I was here, and nowhere and everywhere
I wish there was place where my heart could just stay
I wish there was color I had never seen before
I wish not just to “Be” but to be alive in every way
I wish I could fight becoming one with the crowd
I wish there was a dog star to find my way
I wish I could remember feeling what I had felt before
I wish I could keep this numbness at bay

Hope - Anathema

I was not put here by anyone in fear
I came alone as me
Just an idea in a long chain of discovery
Surrounded by the same you

Sometimes your tide pulls me out to sea
And I die in a thrashing curse
Sometimes we are kind
More often, I doze
So far up the beach that those who try to reach are burnt alive in the searing
heat of the desert of my dispassion
So far removed, I never hear the water
'Cept once or twice a month when I see a mirror

And I refuse to believe in some of the things that are said to be here
Let alone those that are not
I'm trying to change my direction
Ours is pathetic in my own humble estimation

I love the planet
The great benign she-wolf
Spinning gently on towards the red giant four aeons hence
When all the rose gardens are consumed in the flash-fire of flying time
She'll leave alone to you


Win Quotient

Okay so what is a person to do when everything seems old and boring, i guess the answer is to combine maths and facts and excel and play with numbers, have started this f1 driver "win sheet", which based upon factors of their formula 1 careers comes up with a number to see how successful they have been, keeping in mind the chances they have had and lost, interestingly its NOT about who has won the most world championships, and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy that from the random pick Senna is topping at the moment, BUT we shall see, as i have more free time on my hands, courtesy an event less weekend. Senna trumped by Fangio now.

    Races Wins Poles Position Points Win Qoutient
1 Fangio 52 24 29 0.116758242 1.135989011
2 Senna 162 41 65 0.073731139 0.728052127
3 Schum 277 91 68 0.034877657 0.608884877
4 Seb 71 16 22 0.037977867 0.573189135
5 J Stew 100 27 17 0.047873016 0.487873016
6 Prost 202 51 33 0.034467822 0.450309406
7 Hami 80 15 18 0.0275 0.44
8 Hakkinen 165 20 26 0.025487013 0.304274892
9 Alonso 168 27 20 0.023440016 0.303201921
10 Piquet 207 23 24 0.024674279 0.251727419
11 Kimi 157 18 16 0.019805884 0.236366394
12 Massa 144 11 15 0.011582168 0.192137724
13 Kubica 76 1 12 0.008889411 0.179942043
14 G Hill 179 14 13 0.023568649 0.174406638

* Win Quotient = ratio of wins + ratio of poles + position points
* Position Points = ratio of the sum of 1/position achieved in a season for all seasons competed in


If I start putting up a post for every time I feel nostalgia, or feel dejavu, or i feel I've been sucked into a memory world without the least of provocation this would be a much more active blog. However this morning the nostalgia is of chronic nature, its hardcore and I must do something about it. I would have saved the trouble of posting now if i had actually blogged about wondering about Europe... well when i was wondering about Europe, but never mind, this morning it was being sucked into one sunset at Montjuic. One might ask what the hell Montjuic is, one might suggest that perhaps it is a mountain, and indeed it is, well close enough, its a hill, alright enough of weird talk (maybe). It is a hill, literally meaning hill of Jews or Jupiter, whoever said the name the first time must have been mumbling because they aren't sure whether its one way or the other. It is located in Barcelona. So what is so special about this one mountain? maybe nothing let me rattle however.

Its been the site for world fairs, formula 1 races (alas way before my time), strategic point for bombing the city when people were not behaving as they were expected to, mass murder via killing squads, military prison, political prison, the olympics, and also strangely enough  for a complicated experiment which measured the distance from North Pole to the Equator.

So why nostalgia for this such a mishmash of history, I guess I have to thank luck for that. As "luck" would have it, the time I reached Montjuic was that of late afternoon in fact an hour away from sunset. I could see the whole of Barcelona spread out before me from my vantage point, the light falling on it was perfect shade of fire, golden, alive, intoxicating. It was one of those moments when you disconnect from the real world, I had, i was in a dream. From the Teleferic i made my way towards the top.

At the top, befitting the dreamlike quality of this whole episode is a Castle, a medieval fortification residing in a space shaped like a starred pentagon, surrounded by enormous moats complete with bastions and buttresses. Though by now the light is waning the place had not been lit up by flood lights and much to my relief. The only place I would have wanted to be in here was the top of the castle, and to the top I went, chose a spot facing the setting sun, and I watched it drown into the Mediterranean, and the sky dance with hues of sunset and then night. Thankfully floodlights still had not been stirred. and you could see the first stars, the harbor, the ships, the lights of Barcelona glittering like rubies, and sapphires and citrine diamonds, the moon shined ever brighter for the contrast I had witnessed, I could see it shining on top of the Keep. As the last traces of sun went away, and the floodlights were switched on it was time to go, I took it all in and left.

Okay the last two paragraphs were rather "heavy" in nature, but then again so is my nostalgia, I would not mind one such sunset again., and what made it special was the fact that I was completely at peace, no conflict, no struggle, no distraction, just peace. Okay maybe there might have been minor distractions like people in the way of a photo  I wanted to take but nothing major.

Maybe if I find my way there again, it wouldn't be the same, maybe it was just a special one-time spell, but I think I'm going to try and find my way there again anyways.

Rant: Killing F1

I've tried to stay positive, I've tried to look on the bright side, but that has become excessively hard to to do.  I'm all for innovation and development but not at the cost of the thing loosing its identity. The thing here being F1 of course.  F1 isn't making any sense, they (read either bernie or todt or both) want to decrease rev, they want to decrease the car noise, they want to increase car safety, they want to save fuel consumption but they are okay with half the tyres being wasted and lying around on the track,  they don't want v10, they don't want v8 anymore, they want v6, okay maybe with turbocharging allowed BUT as mentioned before decreasing the allowed rpm, They want to race in Bahrain, even if political atmosphere there is.....well rather dangerous, even if no one turns up to see the friggin race. The whole thing is wreaking of greed and money-lust. This way the only thing left in a few years would be a farce or a race, within guinea pigs going round a circuit just so that networks and bernie can make their cuts.  I'm sad that F1 i know is going to die soonish.